Start your journey into your subconscious now!

In this 21-day self-hypnosis online course you will learn to reprogram your subconscious, let go of obstructive beliefs and make your personal goals your new reality.

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Start your journey!









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Discover the unbelievable possibilities that your subconscious has for you.
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Use the powerful techniques of HYPNOSIS PALACIOS and learn how to achieve your life goals in a relaxed and playful way.
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Use effective communication and hypnosis techniques in order to be able to support other people even better.

In this online course you will learn

  • special techniques from star-hypnotherapist Gabriel Palacios and his own method HYPNOSIS PALACIOS

  • to know the inestimable value of self-hypnosis and how to program your own subconscious.

  • how to use the tools of hypnosis to help other people to be happier and more satisfied!

  • to erase negative beliefs and create your positive future!

  • how to easily master any situation with self-confidence and security.

  • how to control your own reality.

  • How to let go of the past.

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What if you had a tool that can change your inner reality?

At least for us and our subconscious this is possible. Because we perceive the most of our reality subconsciously. The interpretation of our environment, which is our complete reality, also happens largely subconsciously.

And this is exactly where hypnotherapy comes in. We hardly pay any attention to the subconscious, this huge part of ourselves, in everyday life. We only react to stimuli without being aware of why. We feel bad, helpless and do not manage to get out of a difficult situation ourselves.

We have a great treasure trove of resources within us. Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis allows us to get in touch with the huge potential that lies dormant in us and to use it exactly when we need it.

The problem is that in some situations we cannot access these spiritual and mental resources. When we are in a difficult situation, we may not be able to find access to important resources. There is no change in our perspective, a little thought or another spark that leads us on the right path. This is exactly where hypnosis can help.

With hypnosis we gain the ability to access the right resources at the right time. If we program our subconscious accordingly, we always release the right skills exactly when we need them most. And the impressive thing about it: We are finally using our own potential.


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"Hypnosis is the instrument that you need to work with your subconscious."

Gabriel Palacios


1. ) Daily hypnosis lessons for 21 days

2.) Unlimited access to all lessons

3.) Live-Q&A-Meetings with Gabriel Palacios

4.) Online community

5.) Your questions will all be answered by  Gabriel and his crew

at the price of

€ 499,–

€ 299,–

*with unlimited access*

Book now!


Gabriel Palacios will keep reminding you of Q&A meetings you can attend. Again and again. LIVE.

3-teiliges Hypnose Basisseminar
im Wert von € 199.–     |     € 0.–

Buch «Hypnotisiere mich» als PDF

im Wert von € 30.–     |    € 0.–

Einführungsvideo Gesprächstherapie-Ausbildung
im Wert von € 150.–   |   € 0.–

Aufzeichnung EEG-Messung
im Wert von € 30.–     |   € 0.–

Video 9 Erfolgsregeln inkl. PDF
im Wert von € 29.–     |   € 0.– 

Videokurs «Vertrauen herstellen»
im Wert von € 95.–     |   € 0.–

Ausbildung zert. Hypnosecoach
im Wert von € 4.930.–
im Wert von € 533.–

Spezialpreis Ausbildung inkl. Bonusmaterial
€ 3.999.–
im Wert von € 5.463.–

Angebot nur bis 24.11.2020, 23:59 MEZ

Do you have any questions?

Click on the button below to go to our contact page.


TV appearances

Check out some of Gabiel Palacios' TV appearances.


Gabriel Palacios
Hypnotherapy expert, mental coach & bestselling author

Gabriel Palacios, born in 1989 in Bern, has been intensively concerned with the world of thought from early childhood on the basis of a family stroke of fate. Today the multiple bestselling author and hypnotherapy expert helps many people to more freedom of thought and potential development in his therapy center in Bern, at public lectures and seminars, as well as through his books. Gabriel Palacios supports top athletes and celebrities, gives lectures as a keynote speaker, is a well-seen face in the media and trains hundreds of hypnotherapists as President of the Association of Swiss Hypnotherapists, and as a certified teaching trainer of the National Guild of Hypnotists (USA). He is the author of many bestsellers, two of which each climbed to 1st place on the Swiss bestseller list and his first bestseller under the German flag was on the bestseller list for over half a year. He is publishing director, columnist for a weekly newspaper, has had his own advice section on a Bern radio station since 2012 and is the founder of the big fear-free congresses in Bern. The waiting time for individual hypnosis sessions with him is now more than two years.

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Gabriel Palacios
Hypnotherapy expert, mental coach & bestselling author

Gabriel Palacios, geboren 1989 in Bern, befasste sich bereits seit frühester Kindheit intensivst mit der Gedankenwelt, aufgrund eines familiären Schicksalsschlages. Heute verhilft der mehrfache Bestsellerautor und Hypnosetherapie-Experte in seinem Therapiezentrum in Bern, an öffentlichen Veranstaltungen wie auch mittels seiner Bücher und CDs vielen Menschen zu mehr gedanklicher Freiheit und Potenzialentfaltung. Gabriel Palacios berät Unternehmen und Prominente, referiert als Keynote-Speaker, ist ein viel gesehenes Gesicht der Medienlandschaft und bildet als Präsident des Verbandes Schweizer Hypnosetherapeuten (CH) wie als Lehrtrainer der National Guild of Hypnotists (USA) jährlich mehrere Dutzend HypnosetherapeutInnen aus. Er ist Inhaber von vier Firmen und Autor von sechs Bestsellern, wovon die letzten beiden je den 1. Platz der Schweizer Bestsellerliste erklommen und sein letzter Bestseller unter deutscher Flagge über ein halbes Jahr die Bestsellerliste besetzen konnte.

Palacios Relations GmbH
Rosenweg 25 B 
3007 Bern
Email: [email protected]
Office: Di. - Sa. 09:00 - 18:00
+41 (0) 31 371 54 02



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